Bundle up the kids and take them on a snow day scavenger hunt with our printable scavenger hunt list. How many items can you find? Fun winter activity for kids, and a great way to get the kids outside on a snowy day.

I’m a sucker for a scavenger hunt lists, and our upcoming forecast of snow inspired this snow day scavenger hunt list for kids.
There are always plenty of fun things to do on a snowy day. But if the usual activities or snow toys start getting old and you need some more snow day ideas, then this scavenger hunt will shake things up a little.
I really wracked my brain coming up with this list, but if I missed anything just add it on! Or, tell me in the comments and I may edit the list to include more ideas.
Snow Day Scavenger Hunt Printable

Before you take your scavenger hunt list out into the snow, I would suggest covering it with a clear page protector so that it stays dry.
If you have older kids, you could print out a sheet for everyone and have a race to see who can spot the most items on the list first!
This printable is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Thanks and enjoy!
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