Download this Nativity word search puzzle and see how many words from the Christmas story you can find. Free printable PDF is available below.

If you’re on the hunt for some easy fun religious Christmas activities for the kids, you’ve come to the right place. Printable activities are so useful to have on hand, and word searches are one of my favorites to give to the kids.
This word search is a fun and simple way to reinforce the main elements of the Christmas Nativity.
Do your kids love word puzzles? If so, then definitely print out this Nativity word search for them. It’s not only a fun activity, but it’s also good brain exercise for them! Word searches can help kids practice staying focused, and they’re a good way to develop visual scanning and fine motor skills.
This word search is suitable for elementary kids and up. Words go forward, up, down, and diagonal. Print out as many as you need for your Christmas party, holiday church gathering, or your Sunday School class.
Nativity Word Search PDF Printable
Use the download button below to access the word search PDF.
Please feel free to download and print as many as you need for your own family or your classroom. This word search is for personal, non-commercial use only.
I recommend letting kids complete this puzzle at their own pace. However, if you’ve got a group of kids who have a competitive streak, or if you’ve got older kids who are looking for more of a challenge, you could also add a time element to the word find. Set a timer and see who finds the most words in a short set of time!
However you use this Christmas Nativity activity, I hope you enjoy it and enjoy the time with your family and friends!