We’re getting down to the wire with Valentine’s Day coming in just a few days. If you’re like me, you need something quick and easy. I’ve gathered up the best free printable Valentines for kids so you can just print an go.

I have seen so many great free printable Valentines for kids this year, I knew I had to share my favorites. We are so behind and haven’t even decided on our own Valentines for the kids classmates yet (even though I did manage to make some printable Valentine Lunch Box Notes). In fact, my middle-schooler isn’t even allowed to bring Valentines to school to share with her friends this year, so that’s a first for us! I guess it’s part of growing up?
When they were younger, before they were really able to write very well, or for very long, I always either found free printable Valentines online or I made my own designs for them. That way they could just add their name, or scribble a little heart-felt doodle and it wouldn’t be an overwhelming task. Then they went through a phase when they wanted the store-bought Valentine kits for classroom Valentines. Finally, we came back around and they like to actually make their own now. Last year they created their own designs on our computer, then printed out how ever many copies they needed and added a piece of candy for good measure.
All of this to say that the printable Valentine idea is a winner in our house, and we have surely made use of them over the years.
Now, the bloggers designing free printable Valentines are truly top-knotch. I’m so glad they offer their work for free for parents like me who sometimes don’t have their stuff together and wait until the last minute on these things!
You will love these kids Valentines, and the kids will love sharing these with their friends and classmates. Each of these will link through to where the actual printable is by clicking on the image.
Free Printable Valentines for Kids
1. Heart Eyes Emoji Valentine
Emojis have had a good year, especially with the Emoji movie and new emojis constantly coming out on smart phones. My youngest daughter is emoji obsessed and would totally flip for this Heart Eyes Emoji printable Valentine. Printable at Landee See Landee Do
2. Minecraft Printable Valentines
Both of my girls are totally into Minecraft. In fact, just today one of my girls was trying to decide what to make with her air dry clay and ended up making a creeper with a blast helmet?
Use this free printable MIinecraft Valentine to turn a pack of gum into a creeper with a tag that reads “Hope Your Valentine is a Blast.” It truly could not be more perfect. Thanks to Simple as that Blog where you’ll find this free printable.
3. Hanging Sloth Valentine
Honestly, I never thought sloths were cute, and then all of a sudden they were! Now the cuteness is just. so. much! Check out this totally adorable printable sloth Valentine from A Touch of That.
4. Narwhal Printable Valentine
I love the use of the spiral lollipop in this free printable narwhal valentine. The whole design is very sweet and happy, and would work for boys or girls of all ages. From Just Add Confetti. –
5. Monster Truck Donut Tires Printable Valentine
Have a monster truck fan in the house? Check out these awesome monster truck Valentine printables with donut tires…so fun! From Just Add Confetti
6. Slime Valentines Day Printable Tag
My kids are pretty into the slime thing and have been on the receiving end of several slime gifts over the past few months. This Valen-Slime gift idea would surely appeal to many kids. Are you up for it? Make the slime and add the free printable from The Best Ideas for Kids. If you don’t have the little mason jars, you can always just use plastic baggies.
7. Unicorn Printable Valentine
Here’s another use of the spiral lollipop horn that I still find just as clever. Unicorn lovers will be thrilled with these lovely free printable Valentines from The Cards We Drew
8. Printable Pikachu (Pokemon) Valentine
The ears are where it’s at with this printable Pikachu Valentine. There is so much cuteness in this thing, and the chocolate heart is the perfect way to add a little something sweet to this printable. From Frog Prince Paperie.
9. Super Hero Valentines
My favorite part of these Super Hero Vlanentines is that they are so versatile. They’re great for boys or girls, and you have many options for adding candy, toys, or just a sweet note from the sender. See Mary Martha Mama for printables.
10. Coloring Printable Valentines
Print these color-able Valentines and add some crayons. Your kids can really personalize these if they know the favorite colors of the friend to whom they are going. From Craftaholics Anonymous.
11. Paper Airplane Kids Printable Valentine
I don’t think paper airplanes ever get old. I’m a full-grown woman, and I still have fun when we make them with the kids. There’s no need to make any trips to the store with this simple printable Valentine since the paper airplane is included as part of the free Printable Valentine. From Growing Up Gabel.
12. Printable Bookmark Valentines
Here’s another printable Valentine that is perfect for truly the last minute, when you don’t have time to pick up little chocolates or pencils. The design works for any aged kid and it’s offered in several colors. It’s also a good choice for classrooms where candy is a no-no. Find the printable at Simple Kierste.
13. Valentine Cookie Holders
If you have it in you to make a batch of cookies, you should totally do it just so you can use these adorable printable Valentine Cookie Sleeves. From Hostess With The Mostess.
14. Printable Bullseye Valentine with Pencil
I really wanted to include a pencil Valentine idea in this list because of how easy pencils are to source for most people. This one is such a great choice because of its bright colors, especially when paired with a colorful pencil. I also like that it’s focus is about friendship, and not just about the recipient being “just write” or having the “write stuff”. Find it at Positively Splendid.
15. Hot Cocoa Printable Valentine
If you’re like me, you’ve already got your eyes on Spring. But the fact is, February is a bitter cold. Why not add some warmth to someone’s day by sending a packet of hot chocolate with this free printable Valentine. The printable wraps around the hot cocoa packet, and a strip of red washi tape keeps it nice and snug while adding a splash of color. From Short Stop Designs.
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Sunday 10th of February 2019
I have been trying multiple times throughout the day to receive the password to have access to the Valentine’s printouts. I keep going in circles with entering my info but not receiving the email for password. So frustrating!!
Monday 11th of February 2019
Hi Robin! You can find the Valentines by clicking on the image to go to the source of the printable. Thanks and I hope that helps!